Fixed Width Font (for Media Tree)

If you want to contribute MediaMonkey skins, themes, icons, etc...

Moderátoři: Morten, Gurus

Příspěvky: 29
Registrován: stř kvě 14, 2008 9:49 pm

Fixed Width Font (for Media Tree)

Příspěvek od Boobounder »

1) Is there a way to show my media tree (or the whole thing) with a fixed width font?


2) Does anyone know of a skin that uses a fixed width font?
Příspěvky: 29
Registrován: stř kvě 14, 2008 9:49 pm

Re: Fixed Width Font (for Media Tree)

Příspěvek od Boobounder »

OK. So this was not hard to figure out: unpack a skin I like, get the themeeditor, open it, and find the elements I want to change (5 that begin with ListItem).

But I would have preferred if someone could have given me a one sentence pointer, rather than spending 25 minutes figuring this out on my own. :(

Even though it is fun to play with new software, I don't feel like I needed the encouragement to blow off other stuff.