CleanMM v1.0 - 7/15/2011

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Registrován: ned říj 03, 2010 7:39 pm

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od vpsaxman »

Nohitter, this is a great skin. However, I'd like the image for the list background to be darker so the lines of different colors pop up a little more. Great work!
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
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Registrován: ned lis 25, 2007 6:49 am

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od Dreadlau »

Found a little problem with vertical toolbars:

Other than that, great skin. But I told you that already. :wink:
Seven Ultimate X64 SP1 / Sansa Clip 2go (with RockBox)
Příspěvky: 288
Registrován: ned říj 03, 2010 7:39 pm

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od vpsaxman »

Any chance of an update for mm4?
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
AMD Phenom II x4 940 (3GHz)
ASRock A780
4GB DDR2 333
ATI Radeon HD 3200
Library on two disks : Western Digital Caviar 1.5TB - WDC 640GB
Příspěvky: 23640
Registrován: stř srp 09, 2006 10:20 am

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od nohitter151 »

vpsaxman píše:Any chance of an update for mm4?
It's in the works.
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Registrován: ned říj 03, 2010 7:39 pm

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od vpsaxman »

Awesome, thanks!
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
AMD Phenom II x4 940 (3GHz)
ASRock A780
4GB DDR2 333
ATI Radeon HD 3200
Library on two disks : Western Digital Caviar 1.5TB - WDC 640GB
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Registrován: stř dub 20, 2011 9:22 am

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od tsquillario »

That's great news! I was wondering if there were any updates planned to this skin. I love it man, it's super clean and slick, thanks!

The only things I've noticed so far are:
- horizontal fade near the File menu being off a bit
- font style for the artist, album, etc in the popup doesn't match that of the player in the bottom of the main program
Příspěvky: 23640
Registrován: stř srp 09, 2006 10:20 am

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od nohitter151 »

tsquillario píše:That's great news! I was wondering if there were any updates planned to this skin. I love it man, it's super clean and slick, thanks!

The only things I've noticed so far are:
- horizontal fade near the File menu being off a bit
- font style for the artist, album, etc in the popup doesn't match that of the player in the bottom of the main program
Thank you!

For those interested, I am still working on it. I have a few things that I want to add in before I post something usable for MM4, but hopefully it won't be more than a week or so.
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Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od Návštěvník »

Příspěvky: 23640
Registrován: stř srp 09, 2006 10:20 am

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od nohitter151 »

Ok, MM4 beta version is posted: Download

Save the skin file to MediaMonkey\Skins\ folder and change skin via Options > Skins. Restarting MM4 is necessary to eliminate some glitches from the skin.

There are still several bugs I am working on and things I want to change (especially for XP mode) but I wanted to post up what I had so far.
MediaMonkey user since 2006
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Příspěvky: 288
Registrován: ned říj 03, 2010 7:39 pm

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od vpsaxman »

Should we report bugs anyway?
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
AMD Phenom II x4 940 (3GHz)
ASRock A780
4GB DDR2 333
ATI Radeon HD 3200
Library on two disks : Western Digital Caviar 1.5TB - WDC 640GB
Příspěvky: 23640
Registrován: stř srp 09, 2006 10:20 am

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od nohitter151 »

vpsaxman píše:Should we report bugs anyway?
Sure, and screenshots are helpful if you can. Thanks.
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Registrován: ned říj 03, 2010 7:39 pm

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od vpsaxman »

I only found a couple of bugs as shown below. They're probably related :



Sometimes the added bar is black, sometimes a shade of blue/grey. It spans across the whole window, and at times just the length of either the player or the tree area.

It usually happens when MM is maximized, from a complete minimized state.

I'm running MM4 build 1367.

The tabs work great so far I think, and I'm glad I can finally use this skin with MM4. Thanks for your hard work!!!
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
AMD Phenom II x4 940 (3GHz)
ASRock A780
4GB DDR2 333
ATI Radeon HD 3200
Library on two disks : Western Digital Caviar 1.5TB - WDC 640GB
Příspěvky: 190
Registrován: stř čer 18, 2008 1:43 pm

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od heartofhate »

nice skin! but one only small thing: the tab-bar at the albumart is black. i guess you forgot that ;)

a little offtopic: why did the menu came back? i really liked it where there was just one button and then everything was showing up when you clicked it.
is this actually skinaber?
Příspěvky: 23640
Registrován: stř srp 09, 2006 10:20 am

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od nohitter151 »

heartofhate píše:nice skin! but one only small thing: the tab-bar at the albumart is black. i guess you forgot that ;)
I didn't forget, that's one of the bugs I'm still working on. I can't quite figure out why it's black there.
a little offtopic: why did the menu came back? i really liked it where there was just one button and then everything was showing up when you clicked it.
is this actually skinaber?
No, it's not skinnable. It's an option for any skin or skinless mode under the "View" menu.
MediaMonkey user since 2006
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Příspěvky: 23640
Registrován: stř srp 09, 2006 10:20 am

Re: CleanMM v1.0 - 6/28/2010

Příspěvek od nohitter151 »

vpsaxman píše:I only found a couple of bugs as shown below. They're probably related :
I haven't seen this but I'll take a closer look. Thanks.
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